
Talk on Obedience December 15

Brother Romanus Davitt, O.S.B., will speak to the Oblates of Saint Benedict of Saint Vincent Archabbey at 3 p.m. Sunday, December 15 in Brownfield Room 202, a Seminary classroom. His topic will be Obedience in Benedictine Spirituality.

To appreciate the presentation one does not need to have attended previous sessions.

Additionally, Oblates and guests may attend vespers at 5 p.m. in the Basilica and stay for supper in the guest dining room. Those wishing to stay for supper should contact Father Donald Raila, director of Oblates, at least two days in advance at 724-805-2291. Following supper, Oblates will meet at 6:45 p.m. in Brownfield 202 to dscuss the book The Grace to Desire It: Meditations on Saint Benedict’s Twelve Degrees of Humility by Dom Pius Mary Noonan, O.S.B.​

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