We Are...
Oblates of Saint Benedict are Christian men and women who choose to associate themselves with a religious community of Benedictine monks in order to strengthen their baptismal commitment and enrich their Christian way of life. Oblates do not take vows or live in a monastery. They continue to live in the world while they strive eagerly to live out the values of the Gospel.
Oblates from all locations and guests are invited to monthly meetings of the Latrobe Deanery of Oblates, mostly at 6:30 p.m., usually, on the third Sunday. The group is discussing the book A Study Guide for the Rule of Saint Benedict. Generally meetings are in Room 202 of the Brownfield Center on the Seminary part of campus. Oblates may also join the monks for Evening Prayer at 5 p.m. in the Basilica. A light supper before the meeting is available; however, the caterer needs to know nine days prior. Please phone Father Donald to make a reservation for supper and attendance at 724-805-2291 or email him at svaoblates@stvincent.edu.
Also, informative presentations on Benedictine spirituality continue to be held at 3 p.m. on the same dates in the Brownfield Center. All are welcome. Please refer to the CALENDAR link of this website for the list of forthcoming presentations and the NEWS link for a list of previous talks.
Cyber Deanery – Please visit our Cyber Deanery. It is best to have Google and a Gmail account, but it is not required. We have a number of members who are using other internet providers. If you don’t have a Google account, you can still read and join in discussions through your email; however, you will be unable to create or edit groups or post files. For details email Patrick C Kenny.
Latest News
New Brochure on Family Oblation
The option of “Family Oblation” for families with young children has been avail- able for some years, but during the last year a brochure for this program has been developed
Talk on Obedience December 15
Brother Romanus Davitt, O.S.B., will speak to the Oblates of Saint Benedict of Saint Vincent Archabbey at 3 p.m. Sunday, December 15 in Brownfield Room 202, a Seminary classroom. His
Oblate Day and Day of Recollection for 2025
Oblate Day for 2025 has been scheduled for Sunday, September 28, 2025. The fall day of recollection for 2025 is scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2025.
Latest Edition
The latest edition of the Oblate newsletter is now available for online viewing here.
Events in January 2025
- There are no events scheduled during these dates.