
Retreat Program Registration Now Open!

Four Archabbey retreats will be offered on campus in 2022.  Please refer to the website: for descriptions and links to the online registration. Online registration is available at 

Retreatmasters for the year will be Father Basil Burns, O.S.B., Father Isaac Haywiser, O.S.B., and Father Alfred Patterson, O.S.B. 


Father Basil Burns, O.S.B., will offer two retreats, “Guardians at the Doors; Discerning Hidden Blocks to the Interior Life,” and “Filling Up What Is Lacking in the Suffering of Christ (Col. 1:24).”

For “Guardians,” scheduled for July 15-17, he notes that: In the Rule of Saint Benedict, Chapter VII we read “Thus therefore must one beware of evil desires, because death is stationed outside the entrance of delight. So Scripture gives command saying, ‘Go not after thy fleshly desires.’” Our soul is a temple with many doors, and we must be aware of which doors to open and which ones to close. This retreat is designed to help you discern what is blocking you from entering more deeply into the interior of your heart where God dwells in peace.

For “Filling Up What Is Lacking,” scheduled for July 29-31, he notes that In multiple places in Holy Scripture we are told that we must suffer with Christ, bear one another’s burdens, and carry our cross. Moreover, the primary message of the revelation of Our Lady of Fatima, and of Lourdes, was one of reparation and penance for the sins of the world. These are difficult messages! This retreat is designed to help the spiritual pilgrim wrestle with the hard question of suffering with Christ, and even doing so joyfully.

Father Basil transferred to Saint Vincent Archabbey in 2019 from Saint Benedict Abbey, Louisiana. He has been a priest since 2001. Most of his ministry has been in leading retreats and in teaching. He has served at a parish in New Orleans for three years and spent four years in the Canadian missions teaching and forming communities of faith.


Father Isaac Haywiser, O.S.B., will lead a Day of Recollection entitled “Obsculta—Listen” on Saturday, June 4. He notes that “we are ever challenged to be attentive to the voice of God in our lives, our families, our communities, our Church, and the world. As we continue to face the difficulties in these areas, I would like to lead you through the course of this day in learning and practicing the art of obsculta, which means listen. As I develop the conferences for this day I will be listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, trusting that He will provide me with what you need as we discern the present moment and how God is speaking to us. Please join me and the Benedictine community for a day of attending to the still, small whisper of our loving God calling to us.”

Father Isaac earned degrees from Saint Vincent College and Saint Vincent Seminary and Drexel University. Ordained to the priesthood in 2015, he has assisted with hospital ministry and also assists various parishes on weekend mission. 


“Saints Alive!” will be the topic of Father Alfred Patterson, O.S.B. during the July 22-24 retreat. The “Saints Alive!” retreat explores American born saints, their biographies, words, and lives lived in faith in Jesus Christ. Saints Kateri Tekakwitha and Mother Marianne Cope, plus uncanonized mentionables such as Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton will be some of those in focus. A goal is to see how these lives can help us ordinary Christians grow in ways to love God, neighbors, and ourselves … all through those who followed the salvific life of Jesus Christ! 

Father Alfred served in the United States Air Force prior to entering the monastery. After obtaining degrees from Saint Vincent College and Saint Vincent Seminary, he has served at Benedictine Priory and Military School in Savannah, at a number of different parishes, and is presently chaplain at Latrobe Excela Health. 

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