Members of the Board assembled for their 78th regular meeting at 6:30 P.M. on January 29 in the Fred Rogers Center. Eight members, including Father Donald and Timothy Sheridan (assistant Director of Oblates), were able to attend. The topics discussed included the welcoming of three new members, the 2022 International Congress of Oblates, the translation of some Oblate documents into Spanish, the postponement of a deanery representatives’ meeting until at least 2022, options for the dinner on March 22, and the possible NAABOD meeting tentatively scheduled for August 5-10, 2021 at St. Meinrad Archabbey. The Board agreed to schedule its next meeting for April 23.
Ask The Abbot Now In March
The meeting scheduled for January 19 in Latrobe was canceled because of heavy snowfall. Archabbot Martin’s presentation “Ask the Abbot” has been re- scheduled to Sunday, March 16, at 6:45