The listed items are available through the Oblate Office:
(1) Pamphlet “God’s Love for You” with message of evangelization–free
(2) Booklet Saint Benedict for Busy Parents–40 cents each
(3) Booklet of Oblates’ reflections on verses of the Rule–free or with donation for postage
(4) Booklet of the histories of Oblate deaneries–free or with donation for postage
(5) Cards with colored picture of Saint Benedict and with prayer for a happy death; also Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica cards from the sesquimillenium celebration in 1980.
(6) Copies of the book Lessons from Saint Benedict (from Oblate newsletters), $12 each if picked up at Oblate Office.
(7) Copies of the book The Rule in Bits and Pieces, $15 each if picked up at Oblate Office.