
Feast of Saint Benedict

All Oblates, Oblate novices, and their guests are welcome to attend the festive Mass for the Feast of Saint Benedict at the Archabbey Basilica at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 11. The Mass will include the profession of solemn vows. Oblates are invited to stay for lunch and for a meeting at 2 p.m., for Evening Prayer at 5 p.m. and for supper. If you are coming for Mass, lunch, or supper, please fill out the form on the insert and send it to the Oblate Office (c/o July 11 event) by July 4. Even if you are coming only for Mass, please let us know since it is good for the sacristans to know how many pews to reserve for the Oblates. The meeting at 2 p.m. will include a reflection by Br. Dominic Leo on monastic vows and then the twelfth annual ceremony to honor Oblates who this year celebrate 5, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 55, or 60 or more years of Oblation. After the ceremonies there may be an opportunity for the taking of photographs. Those needing overnight room reservations should call Fr. Donald at the Oblate Office (724-805-2291) as soon as possible. If no rooms are available at the Archabbey, you may contact the Oblate Office about two near-by motels.

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