The Most Rev. Larry Kulick, J.C.L., Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg, will give a presentation on “Bodily Resurrection” at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 15 in the Parish Assembly Room at Saint Vincent Archabbey. The event is sponsored by the Oblates of Saint Benedict and is open to all Oblates, guests of Oblates, and other guests. Before the presentation, those attending may join the monastic community for Vespers in the nave of the Archabbey Basilica at 5 p.m. and then join Bishop Kulick and the Oblates for supper at 5:35 p.m. Those attending the meal and the presentation should register by Monday, May 9, by phoning Father Donald S. Raila, O.S.B., at 704-805-2291 or by sending an e-mail message to
Also, a series of monthly presentations on Benedictine spirituality will continue at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 15, through 4:15 p.m. in the Seminary classroom Brownfield Room 202. The topic will be “Walking with the Lord,” presented by Father Justin Nolan, O.S.B., a retired professor of philosophy at Saint Vincent College. No reservations are necessary for the 3 p.m. talk, and one need not have attended any previous sessions to appreciate the presentation.
Ask The Abbot Now In March
The meeting scheduled for January 19 in Latrobe was canceled because of heavy snowfall. Archabbot Martin’s presentation “Ask the Abbot” has been re- scheduled to Sunday, March 16, at 6:45