
2022 Retreats

The topics of the retreats at Saint Vincent Archabbey for summer, 2022, and the dates have been determined, along with the retreat masters. However, due to the uncertainty concerning major construction at Saint Vincent, it is not known if facilities will be available for group retreats. Brother Hugh Lester, director of retreats, suggests that people interested in a summer retreat check the Retreats website. Three monks have planned four retreats and the dates, descriptions and topics now available. Three of the retreats are weekend retreats and the fourth is a day of recollection. Registration will open once the facilities issue is decided. No online retreats will be offered in 2022.

If retreats are available, all Oblates and Oblate novices are urged to consider making a summer retreat at the Archabbey. For more information phone 724-805-2139. A retreat brochure has been completed; however, it will not be mailed until the dates are finalized.


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